Client Case 2
A new client this week starting his first session of manual lymphatic drainage for Topical Steroid Withdrawal (Red Skin Syndrome).
It’s going to be a long road and with lots of ups and downs, which he has already been for the last 4 years, of anniversary flairs.
He is extremely hot, lymph nodes in neck, arms and torso, legs. The #inflammation is so intense he scratches every part causing open wounds, skin tight and unable to bend arm or move legs much at all.
Hands and wrists are dry and has pain moving fingers. The first session we hope to reduce as much inflammation from the neck, arms and a little on the torso, this helps the skin heal and soften, calms the intense urges to scratch.
He agreed to show these pictures, client mentioned that he found me by other clients photos who had shared photos of using MLD to treat #topical steroids.
The difference has been amazing to watch past clients change and a complete transformation to what I had first session of skin journey some as long 4 to 6 years ago. Once or twice a year I still see past clients for a session or two of manual lymphatic drainage and it’s such a uplifting and personal experience to have been a part of watching them change, travel and return to study and work.
With the help of natural dermatologist, doctors, naturopathic and dietary changes and skin care routine a team effort as not one therapy alone will help.
Manual lymphatic drainage a good natural therapy start to a long road of recovery mentally and physically.
Update Post: Topical Steroid Withdrawal. After 3 session of manual lymphatic drainage over a 4 week period the clients skin and lymph nodes have responded well.
Some areas of the clients body (legs) are taking a little longer but the Face, Neck, Chest, abdominal have had a change in reduction of redness, skin flaking, wounds and heat.
We will continue for two more session of MLD, client then will have a break for a couple of months and work with Chinese herbalist and support team.
Early in the New Year another round of MLD treatments will begin if needed, as a maintenance to keep inflammation down.
The clients posture and self confidence really was a huge difference today, brighter relaxed And wore a more open top rather than a big hooded jumper pulled up over head.
He mentioned that in the anniversary flair stage every 4 years that can last 5 months or more this has been the biggest change to his skin and lymph nodes in under 4 weeks.